Masquerade Hall

History of the Masquerade Hall is an important part of the history of the Castle. The Masquerade Hall is a masterpiece of the Rococo period. The Architect Andreas Altomonte was designated to oversee the building reconstruction of the Hall; Josef Lederer was responsible for painting the walls in 1748. The main theme of the paintings is a group of aristocrats enjoying themselves in the middle of a masquerade festival, where various representations of Italian and French "Commedia del Arte" figures mingle with people in Spanish, Turkish, or other national folk costumes. The artist employed all the potentials of illusive painting style of the Rococo period, using several different plans: one making full use of the space of the room, one highlighting the plot, and the third concentrating on the expressions of the characters. At the doorway are painted two figures of Castle Guards in their ceremonial uniforms which resemble the Castle Schwarzenberg Guard. This principle of an illusion is applied to the painted figures of the actors as well as the aristocratic party, or some parts of the costumes and musical instruments on the balcony of the music players. It is remarkable that the rich depositories of the Český Krumlov Castle contain a number of costumes or musical instruments that most likely served as models for the artist.

More: History of the Masquerade Hall

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