About the Festival

Visitors to the city offer exceptional music experiences - concerts are situated in the historical premises of the castle and important monuments of the UNESCO-listed city. The festival traditionally begins the Baroque Night at the Český Krumlov Castle®

It is a stunning experience where the castle gardens will come to life when the Eggenbergs and Schwarzenbergs were the local lords. It is they who have the greatest credit for building a magnificent Baroque theater.

Celebrations and fun, ceremonies and rituals, the desire for representation and the show was inherent in the 18th century.

Sixteen years ago, they became the inspiration for the first Baroque night at the Český Krumlov Castle, which follows up on these Baroque festivals and entertainment.

The evening is full of dances, music, theater, promenades, gastronomic experiences, nobles, elegance, but also mood and merriment in the magical atmosphere of the flickering candle flame in the contemporary interiors and exteriors of the castle. Performing performers specializing in the authentic execution of Baroque art.



Chamber Music Festival Foundation Český Krumlov

National Institute for the Protection and Conservation of Monuments and Sites of the Czech Republic, Regional Department in České Budějovice

Český Krumlov Baroque Theatre Foundation

City of Český Krumlov

Nastavení soukromí:

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